Friday, October 28, 2011

My Secret PTA Passion

As a young parent (I'm 24) I found it really hard fitting in with other parents, especially since people seem to be having kids later in life these days. Often times, when I would go to the park with my stepson, people would think that I was a nanny or a sitter, but not a parent. Those who realized I was a parent would automatically stereotype me, thinking that I must have gotten pregnant very young by mistake (quite the opposite).

Either way, being a parent is no different from any other area of life where we seek to belong. Since I am such a driven, stay-outta-my-way-if-I-want-something type individual, I decided that I was going to belong to the community of parents in my neighbourhood one way or another... so I joined the PTA. You can imaging the delight of this Catholic school when a 24-year old unwed stepmom-to-be decided to jump on board, but they don't exactly have volunteers pounding down the door, so they entertained the idea.

To be honest, I had no idea what the PTA did. For me it was a means to an end, but I quickly realized how much of a difference these people make in my child's life. The parents of the PTA give their time to make a difference in every child's life at the school, not just their own, and most people don't even realize it! These are just a few things they do:
  • Run Pizza day
  • Purchase classroom supplies
  • Host school events
  • Purchase sports/outdoor equipment
The PTA that I'm part of has even got together the funds to bring in a specialist to give a bullying seminar to the parents, and are offering babysitting services at the event. Without the PTA at my child's school it would be crap.

Not only does being part of the PTA enrich the school environment that my child has, but it enriches my life too. It's a great way to connect with the "in" parents at the school and establish a rapport with the principal and teachers, so that when issues arise with your child, they come to you first.

It just goes to show, when you give a little, you get a lot!

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