Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The most delicious Friendsgiving of all

When trying to decide what exactly to do about Thanksgiving this year (since it fell on a day where Ty was at his mom's house this year), we could all agree on one thing: we wanted to have a Thanksgiving meal all together. There are certain expectations however, like any other holiday, do have a big to-do with the whole family ... on both sides (Ty's mom's and ours). Should we make an additional turkey dinner for four?

Then while talking to my girlfriend, she divulged that she might not be able to travel home to see her family for Thanksgiving. A light bulb went off: why don't we have a Friendsgiving?

As the ideas started to percolate, we assigned dishes to make it kind of a pot-luck. I was hosting at my house, so it only made sense for me to do turkey, gravy and desserts! In addition, we also had a ham, potatoes, beats, broccoli casserole, and well, the brussel sprouts never made it ... but that's neither here nor there.

This was my first time making turkey, and my first Friendsgiving, but everything went off without a hitch. I decorated the table with a pumpkin that I carved out to house the flowers, and folded the napkins like turkeys. The turkey was moist and done to perfection, and the desserts included a piping hot apple crisp and little turkey cupcakes that the kids loved.

Why, you may ask, will we be turning this into a tradition? For me there were two things: first off to have a mix of different people's dishes at Thanksgiving was incredible, especially since we all ended up having separate family Thanksgivings with the usual fixings. Second, to have all the people that Ty loves the most sitting at one table, including all of his parents and his best friend, brings me so much joy I can't even put it into words.

1 comment:

  1. First, you are a rock star for putting your differences aside. That little boy will be so grateful one day that you did. Second, those cupcakes are adorable!!!
